API Reference

Business Score API uses HTTP Basic authentication.

Credentials are retrieved, viewed and managed in the Business score dashboard.

Retrieve credentials
To retrieve your credentials:

  • Go to the Business score dashboard Console
  • Go to Developers, click on the API tab
  • Copy to reveal the secret key



It is important to keep your credentials safe and secure. Do not share your Secret key in publicly accessible areas such as GitHub or client-side code.

Authenticate API requests
In the request, all requests should have the secret key supplied as x-bs-sk within the header.

--header 'x-bs-sk: secretKeyHere'

For more information, see our API reference.

Revoke Secret key
If you lose your secret key, or it is no longer secure, you need to revoke the secret and create a new one.

Revoking the a secret key will invalidate any requests that are using the old secret key.

To revoke your Application Secret: get in touch with support@scorethebusiness.com