API Reference

How to integrate the API and widget

What is the most performant way to integrate?
We suggest using the API in addition with the widget, you hit the following endpoints to onboard the user to the widget and submit the application.

Use the following endpoints to onboard the users

POST https://api-staging.scorethebusiness.com/partner-api/v1/applications
POST https://api-staging.scorethebusiness.com/partner-api/v1/companies/f2f3bb23-22aa-4717-9631-8be772c4c4c8/documents
POST https://api-staging.scorethebusiness.com/partner-api/v1/companies/f2f3bb23-22aa-4717-9631-8be772c4c4c8/prequalification
POST https://api-staging.scorethebusiness.com/partner-api/v1/applications/f2f3bb23-22aa-4717-9631-8be772c4c4c8/request-offers

Use the following to pre-authenticate the user to the widget

POST https://api-staging.scorethebusiness.com/partner-api/v1/applications/auth

You can use this link https://dashboard-staging.scorethebusiness.com/d/developers/widget to specify the widget colours, logo and config, which will generate the embed code.

Next steps
Once we are both happy with the integration, then we will create an account on dashboard.scorethebusiness.com, which will mean your API requests will now be directed to https://api.scorethebusiness.com and embed code will now reference https://wdjs.scorethebusiness.com/widget.js.