API Reference

Step 1

Log in to the Business Score dashboard and go to the Developers page and API tab.


Step 2

Click on add webhook url button and choose any status you want to subscribe to.


Step 3

You can enable/disable and delete your recently added webhook.



Step 4

Send a test Webhook event, this will allow you to send a test event to your Webhook url. You can send test Offer and Application Statuses.

You can also determine what type of notification event you want to send across, you can either send an APPLICATION_UPDATE or OFFER_UDPATE.


See a sample OFFER_UDPATE notification

  "type": "OFFER_UPDATE",
  "application_id": "98aa821e-ca58-4b33-a25c-b77d013ddfcb",
  "offer_id": "8c21aae5-182b-4e77-83e8-d416b322ff3e",
  "offer_status": "PENDING",
  "application_status": "NEW",
  "lender_name": "Test Lender"

See a sample APPLICATION_UPDATE notification

  "application_id": "a5af9366-aae0-40a1-aa52-9aabe2504a19",
  "application_status": "NEW"